Monday, February 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen Needs His Own Show Right Now!

"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total frickin' rock star from Mars. And uh, people can't figure me out, they can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain."

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Dude, when were you pretending you weren't special? You're a rich, and famous actor, your job description is to literally pretend to be special, and draw as much attention to yourself as possible. If this isn't you acting special, sheeeiiiitttt. Can someone just keep a camera on this dude 24 hrs. a day please? If he's gonna keep tossing gems like those into the air, maybe he is worth 3 mill an ep.
I don't know, this felt appropriate. This one's for you Chuck!

Maybe Ozzy can talk some sense into him.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Charlie Sheen Is CRAY CRAY!

Have you ever wondered what the mental processes of an individual who has done a dinner plate full of cocaine would sound like? If so, well, here you go. This is the now infamous rant that finally pushed Charlie Sheen over the edge and got his ridiculous show Two And A Half Men cancelled. This video is too fascinating for me to add additional commentary too, it's utter absurdity almost has an artistic quality to it. Too bad it's coming from a deeply troubled individual. How crazy would it be if he was really just going super method right now and preparing for the role of his life, where he plays a washed up, drug addict, ex-sitcom actor. That would be brilliant! But no, it's definitely not that, the dude is donezo, out to lunch, good bye good night good luck This is definitely no act. What your about to hear is the best Peruvian cocaine money can buy talking.
There's an obvious lesson to be learned here for young can shovel mountains of blow up each nostril, openly engage in your addiction to prostitutes, even hold a knife to your wife's throat; but once you go anti-Semite, especially in Hollywood, it's lights out dawg.
It kinda feels bad to make light of this dude's descent into insanity, but once an individual crosses over, and consciously makes the decision to enter the public eye, given what we've seen time and time again, their lives are almost public property and open for ridicule and scrutiny just as much as they are open for praise and recognition. It's as if actors sometimes can't get out of acting mode, and they get locked into this caricature of themselves that starts to take them over. The essence and individuality of who that person was before the money and fame, gets choked out and distorted by this new, manufactured image. The problem is that the real individual never dies, it just gets really sick, and there comes a point when that actor wants to go back to that old person, to be who they once were, but that person just isn't the same anymore. I think most celebrities are in this kind of purgatory, stuck between who the were before the insanity started, and this public persona that they constantly have to attend to in order to remain relevant. That's my theory anyway. It's either that or making millions of dollars a week for a few hours work, while your in the middle of a mid-life crisis, just kinda sends the mind spiraling off in some pretty surreal directions. It's baffling to me that people still want to be famous. How long till Justin Bieber is making us look back at ole' Charlie here, like he was a silly little amateur partyer? It just comes with the territory. Human beings are not wired to be constantly observed, or overly adored, or picked apart. Our ego's are too powerful and too fragile, at the same time ironically, to handle any of that. Why do we insist on holding on to this ridiculous notion of fame anyway? It's obviously a flaw that's still hanging around from our pre-historic days. Why can't we stop diluting ourselves by thinking that just because someone can pretend to be someone else really well, which is all acting is, they are somehow more worthy of a better life, and their chosen path should be emulated? That's such an archaic way of thinking. Our adulation of celebrities usually eventually destroys them. Maybe that's the whole point.
What a life.
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Friday, February 25, 2011

Epicly Later'd : Josh Kalis Episodes 3 & 4

My bad! I've been sleeping on these Josh Kalis episodes. Ep. 3 & 4 have been out for a minute apparently. Kalis is one of those dudes that always popped up and was widely respected, but I didn't really know that much about the kid. I'm glad Patrick O'Dell chose to do a piece on him. Kalis betting Jamie Thomas tricks for packs of cigarettes, is classic.

Dave Martinez

My boy Dave from NYC shot this video over this morning. The first half is his visual art portfolio, he's been painting for the last few years, and as you can see, he's been doing some heavy exploration. The second half is a short compilation of his immense B-boy skills, and trust, the dude is a beast. Dave is one of the most truly original humans on the planet. Check him out.

*Dave's a member of Miami's Ground Zero Crew. Here's their site

Man, I truly enjoy showing my friends love. RIP Guru.

If I Could Be Like Mike.

Since I'm thinking basketball today...

The Knicks Are Back.

I read today that Carmelo Anthony wanted to be Bernard King when he was a kid. Not Jordan, or Magic, Bernard King, Yo! If you're as hardcore a NY Knicks fan as I am, that's either a dream come true kind of statement, or an evil plot, designed to melt and completely capture the hearts of the fans who have waited 37 years for an NBA title to return to NYC. If the latter is true it worked, at least on me. For those of you who don't know who Bernard king is, you're not alone. He was an  unbelievably talented player but he suffered a devastating knee injury at the peak of his career and was never the same after that. He was only with the team for 3 seasons, but still, he's a legend in NY, a true Knick. Anyway, now we've got arguably the best all around player in team history doing his thing in The Garden, playing with a newly inspired Amare Stoudemire, and people haven't been this excited since these dudes were causing mayhem in Manhattan.

The Knicks are back and that's good because the Knicks are NY. We've had our hearts broken before, so of course we remain skeptical but hopefully not for much longer.

*Oh, and here's how NY feels about the original "The King".

Sorry, lil' guy. You probably should have thought it through a little better.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

When Is A Dream Just That?

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

-Langston Hughes

That should be a familiar poem to most of you, especially if you went to high school in The United States. This brilliant work greatly influenced the play "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry, which is a truly monumental piece of literature, as well as a staple in our educational system. So anyway, I'm sure it's not new to the majority of you, but look at those words again. They're incredible.
Do they move you as deeply as they do me? Can you see yourself somewhere in there? I randomly stumbled upon the poem today and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. I'm currently wrestling with those exact questions in my own life.
In this country, we're told we can "be anyone you wanna be" pretty much straight from the womb. The ideology of individuality is deeply embedded in our culture. Everyone is trying to "be somebody", to make a statement, orsome kind of mark on the world. The problem is, it's a solid, immovable, fact that only a tiny percentage of people get even the chance to taste their proverbial 15 minutes of fame. The other 99.99% of the world have to wake up every day and earn their living in all kinds of ways that I'm sure for the overwhelming majority of us, doesn't look ANYTHING like what our dreams told us was possible. Ah...dreams, remember those? If yours are still alive and well, or if you're living yours, or even working towards them, I applaud you. I seriously do, you give the rest of us, who have repeatedly watched ours smashed and disfigured beyond recognition, hope that it is still possible to follow them to a destination that isn't bagging groceries at the neighborhood grocery store.
I guess what I'm asking myself is, when is it time to let a dream go? To accept the fact that maybe that's all it ever was, and your just not going to be able to pull it off? We teach our children to dream big here in America, but there is also a not as talked about time limit attached to those encouraging words. At some point, just being a productive member of society becomes the mandatory requirement for all of us, and if your dream hasn't been realized by then, oh well. You better learn to work on it during your precious few hours away from the picture frame factory. Society, man was I ignorant to it's demands! I had no idea growing up, that just being an insignificant player would cost this much! I mean, after rent/mortgage, utilities (gas, electric, water, garbage), cable/internet, car insurance, food, gas, college loans, credit card, cell phone, and all the other bills, where is there room left for a dream? And let's face it, all those things I mentioned are just what's required to have a "normal life". That's just getting by. Bring a partner, or children, even pets, into the mix and the cost of living goes up. "Cost of living", Earn a living", that wasn't part of the dream. When did I agree to those terms? While we're on that note, for the second year in a row, I owe the government tax money, how is that possible? I'm always working, I make so little, they take so much, and still I owe more? It's crazy.
So, these dreams, these passions, those things that I feel must be done. What do I do with them? Well, into my third decade, is it time to settle with myself and accept the role of 9-5 (if your lucky) worker guy? Are they just childish fantasies, and it's time to man up and just do what has to be done? Do I put them down? Do I continue to let the wound fester? Or do I cauterize it and let it heal over with thick impenetrable scar tissue? Is it possible to hover somewhere around the bottom of the economic ladder, play the society game, and still invest the time, passion, discipline, and determination, it takes to see a dream come to fruition? These are my questions.
Well, I guess I'm just not ready to give in yet. Here comes the cliche of the millennium, but it's so REALLY is too short, and the world is so huge. We're only given this extremely brief moment. For me, it's not about making a mark anymore. It's about being true to myself. I just want to be able to close my eyes every night and know that my in my little life, dreams are being realized, ideals are being upheld, and I'm not compromising myself in any way. Is that too much to ask for? Is that an overly romantic notion of life? I don't know. I'm just sayin.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Too Deep (The Hippie Hoodlum) Free Four Song Sampler!

Coming to you from the battlegrounds of Queens, NY is the soon to be legendary MC/Producer Too Deep. While Too Deep is put the finishing touches on his debut album "The Hippie Hoodlum" which will drop next month, he's decided to make 4 songs from the album available, for a limited time, for free download. Go to his site right now and do something good for yourself for a change. You deserve it, right?
Real Hip Hop.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Government Micro Drone Spys

This is a prototype robot spy drone, developed for the US military's research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), (who have sunk at least 4 million dollars into the project to date)by AeroVironment Inc. Right now, it can move at speeds of up to 11 mph, and as you can see in the video, can enter buildings through open doors or windows. The specifications given to the firm by the Pentagon also included being able to hover in an 8 km/h wind gusts. What sets this apart from other "microdrones" is it's ability to hover silently, and almost motionless. If positioned properly, this device could be virtually undetectable. This is the next level of spy/drone technology; and the possibilities that it offers not just intelligence gathering agencies, but local law enforcement, are incredible. At some point, these drones could be strategically positioned all around cities and when activated, could chase and track criminals until they can be physically apprehended. They could also be used in hostage situations, to diffuse explosive devices, or anytime officer's view of a suspect is obstructed. Eventually, they could even be developed to carry and fire weapons! We already have security cameras and web-cams all over the place, well now they move and can follow/record anyone. Obviously, a sinister scenario can easily be imagined, because the ability is there.
This technology has actually been around for a long time, it's basically just an advanced version of a remote controlled helicopter, but the size, weight, hovering capabilities, and micro-camera technology make this a very interesting little device. It's obviously only a matter of time before we have insect sized drones flying around collecting all kinds of "data". Everyday, the notions of "privacy" and "security" continue to be challenged and reconsidered. The future is here.

Crazy German UAV micro drone.

RZA's "Victory Or Death" Masterpiece

I guess this piece is a couple of year's old but I just learned about it today so it's new to me. Yo! I had no idea RZA was such a talented visual artist; this painting is incredible! Is there anything this guy can't do?

I love this classic Crib's segment documenting the Clan's notorious move out to LA. Fascinating.

Another Masterpiece

Friday, February 18, 2011


I still get excited at the mention of a new Radiohead release. The band just released their new album "King Of Limbs" on their website. This video is so new it's still warm. I wanna thank Thom Yorke for having the balls to dance in front of the world exactly like I do behind closed, and locked, doors. That being said,
I still need to hear the song again without having to look at this dude.
Radiohead website
Oh, and the album is unbelievable, by the way.
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News Reporter Breakdown

Did she just say "Well a very very heave a heva der rit bertaion tonight. We had a very dari… derisson , bye lets go hit tara tashin lispso la bit te have la pet"? Oh, that's what I thought.
And another one...

4 Inch Dagger Found In Man's Skull

Man, Chinese people are tough! This dude walked around for 4 years with a knife in his head! I can't even go 5 minutes with a splinter in my finger.

New Banksy Pieces Pop Up In LA

Banksy is apparently in LA doing some late night Oscar street promo for "Exit Through The Gift Shop", which is in the mix for the Best Documentary. The Charlie Brown piece, which was done on a fire damaged building, was quickly removed. The last picture is of the hole in the wall, and the wheat pasted poster that immediately popped up. Is this also a Banksy piece?

OFWGKTA Take Over Jimmy Fallon SWAG!

Tyler the Creator and Hodgey Beats of Odd Future were on Jimmy Fallon a few nights ago doing "Sandwiches" and reppin Wolf Gang to the fullest. This was the groups first national TV appearance; and I believe they made their impression felt. Wolf Gang is here and no one is safe. You've been warned. SWAG!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yak Ballz "Mixtape"

I just came across this new joint from Yak Ballz and it's definitely doin it! Download it and bump it. Swag.

Kenny Strasser The Yo Yo Master

This guy is the best.

Who Cares About The Weather!?

I recently moved from NY, (where I had lived my entire life) all the way out to CA. Everybody I know (except for my coworkers) is still out there, scattered about the coast; and I'm really not a phone guy, although if I get some dental work done, which I do from time to time, I might surprise you with a late night, hour and a half, Vicodin fueled rant about how we need to come together and start a record label/art gallery or a fine art landscaping business, or something along those lines, sometimes in the same conversation. Anyway, so now I keep in contact with friends and family just like more than 600 million people do, through Facebook, or as I've grown fond of referring to it, THE BOOK. That's really all I have to go by in terms of staying connected to what's going on back east and I've been wanting to say this for a while so I just have to let it out. OK...Hey New York! I love you, I really do; but can you please spare the rest of us the absolute agony of having to read every little detail concerning your current weather situation? This is really starting to become a problem. Every time I go on line now it's, "Oh it's so cold over here" one day, "Eww there's too much snow over here, and Bloomberg won't plow" the next. Now, everybody has to hear about how it's "60 degrees outside in February!" and you're all frolicking in a park somewhere, and birds are chirping as the tulips begin to bud all around you!? Please, in 3 months you'll be crying about how it's so hot you can't even blink without sweat pouring down your face! You want Facebook? Go look at yourself in the mirror and read your stupid little status to yourself a few times, OK? Because no one except for you and the person looking back at you cares. At all. Guess what? The rest of the world has weather too. You don't hear us doing our own little Al Roker impression every other day! Cut the chit chat! I don't want small talk I wanna know what's really on your mind? It's not the weather, that's just surface, disposable crap. Let's get to the bottom of things. What is REALLY going through your head? You can trust me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Marco Brambilla "Civilization"

I'm a huge fan of Marco Brambilla's work. His video collages both provoke our senses and demand self reflection, while commenting on who we are as a society/culture. For "Civilization", Brambilla used over 400 separate video clips to create this sprawling video collage for the the elevators of the Standard Hotel in NY. The piece takes the viewer on a journey from the depths of hell, all the way up to heaven, and back down to hell again as the elevator rises and descends. Brambilla is a master at arranging whimsical images in such a way that they take on strange new meanings. Imagine it's your first time in NYC, and you get on the elevator at the Standard to go up to your room and this is what welcomes you.

Civilization by Marco Brambilla from CRUSH on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Urkel Dance

BBC's "Superpower" Promo

The internet is really still just in it's infantile stage; it's only been available to the general public for 17 years. Yet, in those few years it has completely redirected the course of human history. It is constantly closing the gaps in the world, pulling the continents closer together. The amount of information that is available, at the blink of an eye, has jettisoned human evolution into a whole new dimension. With the unveiling of Google's new Translate app., it wont be long before we're able to hold our cellphones up to the lips of anyone in the world and understand exactly what they are saying. That's incredible; and we'll be able to do it within a few years, if that long. Are we ready to take that next step?

Slavoj Zizek From "Examined Life"

Slavoj Zizek is one of the world's most brilliant minds, a modern day prophet. This clip from the documentary "Examined Life". In this segment he lays out the clash between Ecology, Materialism, and Individualism. Astonishing.

Friday, February 11, 2011

MGMT "The Youth"

This is where my heads at right now. Is that OK? Just indulge me.

The Revolution Lives! Just Embrace It.

Wow! People are so quick to give things a negative twist! A nation of people who haven't tasted freedom in 29 years, are joyously celebrating the endless opportunities it brings; and all I'm hearing from a bunch of people who have never known anything but freedom, is that the Egyptian Revolution is a bad thing. How the Islamic Brotherhood and al Qaeda are going to take control of the country, igniting more hate, and that we're much more at risk today than we were yesterday...Whoa! Hold up! How dare you? Can't we just give the people a chance to show us what they will do with THEIR lives and THEIR country. Let them have their dignity and afford them the ability to make their own decisions before you just label this thing a threat. A 29 year regime has just been toppled simply because the people demanded it. That's incredible! Stop and celebrate that. Our do you not rejoice with them? We've been fed so much propaganda that we approach every Muslim nation now, as a threat, a definitive enemy, no matter what. That only fuels and stokes the fire of contention that does exist between The West and the element of the religion that has proven itself to actually be an enemy. There are between 1.2-1.6 billion Muslims in the world right now; somewhere around 8 million of them live here in the US. We better learn to get along. It's so hard for us to step outside those walls we erect around ourselves and realize that these are PEOPLE, at the core, ideologies aside, no different than you or I, just trying to make it through their version of this crazy journey. Feel for them. Many of them were born under this regime, they never imagined this day was possible. And here it is; and instead of joining hands in solidarity as HUMAN BEINGS just for a second and celebrating with them, a huge percentage of our country is looking at this triumphant moment as a "immediate threat to national security". Try to forget just for a moment all you've been told about Islam. Try to forget about "The War On Terror", Osama Bin Laden, Al Queda, Iraq, Afghanistan, the rhetoric, and propaganda, all that crap for just a minute. Forget about religious conflict and cultural differences and try to boil down the situation in your mind, down to the very essence of the revolt. It was about a nation of individuals deciding that they had endured enough, and coming together to demand change. That's it. No matter the outcome, and they're far from a total resolution over there, the Human Spirit cried out in Egypt for more than two weeks and toady it's pleas were met. That is something to feel good about. Are we that calloused and self centered? I hope not. Ask yourself this simple question, "Do all people, everywhere deserve the same type of freedom we enjoy over here?". I think it's safe to say that almost everybody would answer "Yes". Here's the problem with freedom though, it doesn't look like any one thing. If it's pure, at some point will offend you. You will inevitably disagree, probably even hate elements of it, but in a strange way, that's the whole point. If everyone's doing the same thing, how is anyone really free? It seems really simple but obviously it's the biggest problem we humans collectively face. For some odd reason, we can't just seem to be able to accept each others peculiarities and move on from there. I think we're getting closer though. Well, it's either that or our peculiarities are slowly disappearing. Either way, it really is miraculous that approximately 6,899,200,000 people can get along as well as we do. Obviously there is much turmoil today, but I think when you consider just how many of us there really are, I think we're doing OK, a C- maybe.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's time for us as a people to evolve past that archaic notion that somehow our way of life is better than anyone else's. That's such an immature way to look at life. It's done us no good for thousands of years but for some reason we just can't seem to let it go.
I for one, stand in solidarity with the people of Egypt today. Internally, I'm celebrating. And even if this thing does eventually take a turn for the worse and an evil element takes a hold of Egypt again. That will not take away from the fact that today freedom won, not just in Egypt but in the hearts of everyone that still believes in it.

The Revolution was seen on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and thousands of other places, but it still wasn't televised.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thousands In Tahrir Square Furious As Mubarak Refuses To Go.

I turned on the news early this afternoon to witness, live, an extraordinary moment in history. Make no mistake about it folks, what is happening in Egypt is massive,and it's reverberations will be heard all over the world; no matter the outcome. Anyway, thousands of protesters were gathered in Tahrir Square dancing and singing in celebration anticipating what was supposed to be Mubarak's resignation speech. I was trying to be optimistic, a struggle for me, and believe that was really about to see a dictator succumb to the demands of the people. I was excited. I wanted to be there with them, celebrating the human spirit. The crowd had been told that this was it. Their cries had been heard, enough lives had been taken, the conflict was over. Then, the complete opposite happened. Mubarak's speech was nothing but a band aid on a bullet wound. He refused to step down, defending his position, and expressing his love and devotion to Egypt. His pride and delusional megalomania were on full display. At one point he had the nerve to mention "the blood of the martyrs" being avenged,and his role in their prosecution. It was as if he failed to realize that their blood was shed defying his rule. As he went on and on repeating the same point, "You need me", the crowd erupted in anger. What was just moments before, a scene of real hope and euphoria, immediately transformed into a seething mob. The Vice President, who Mubarak appointed just a few days ago, then spoke, telling the protesters to "go home". The disappointment and rage was incredible. As I write this, thousands are marching to the royal palace to physically squeeze Mubarak out. There is a fear that the violence, his disrespectful comments, and refusal to relinquish control, are going to create total chaos is nothing more than an elaborate trap. If widespread chaos erupts, he will then have a reason to tighten his grip. It's an extremely touchy situation. Anything can happen at this point. The people are very resilient though, they're vowing to protest and stay put until the regime is removed. Many are prepared to lose their lives. Right now police are setting up around the palace, erecting barbed wire, and preparing to defend it.
I can't express this enough. We need to understand how important this is. Not just for the people of Egypt; but for all of us. Support this movement even if only with thoughts. Do not ignore what's happening. The Revolution is not being televised!

February 10, 2011: Live From The Trap: The Audio History Of Drug Rap with R.A. The Rugged Man

This 3 hour mix (12-3am this morning) is from the latest episode of the "Coffee Break For Heroes & Villains with Noah" show on New York's Independent radio station WFMU 91.1. It's mostly Old School anti-crack era Hip Hop, but don't get it twisted it's out of control. Dope for real. Check it out. Oh, and in case you're wondering, you don't have to listen to the whole 3 hrs. Just hit the "more" button for individual tracks.
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Epicly Later'd: Josh Kalis Pt.2 (The Philly Years)

Epicly Later'd is like the Rosetta Stone of 90's-2011 skateboarding history; and this brand new episode on Josh Kalis and the mystique of Philly's LOVE Park is no exception. Pt.2 introduces Stevie Williams to the mix, and anything new on Stevie is always much appreciated. I love Epicly Later'd because it stirs up old memories that I've back shelved for years while keeping me focused on what the skater is currently up to. Patrick O'Dell has been cranking these out for years, the dude is like skateboarding's Ken Burns. Anyway enough of my gushing. Watch it. Then watch them all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Singularity by 2020?

If you watched those two videos, realize that was not just some ridiculous sci-fi crazy talk, folks. This is happening right now. Scientists are working day and night to make sure that everything you just heard becomes reality. We are entering a extremely strange and possibly dangerous era. The age of singularity is just about ready. It's coming. There is no disputing that fact anymore. The question now becomes how will we incorporate robots into our already fragile society? If you think you wont see that in your lifetime, you're wrong. If you're 50 years old or younger, you will have a conversation with a robot at some point during your lifetime. How do you feel about that? What is our obsession/fascination with creating an entity that could ultimately challenge our role as the dominant species on the planet? Are we drunk on technology? Does our thirst for the "next great invention" far exceed our need for it? What are we doing? Does anybody really know?

Aesop Rock Gem You May Not Have Heard

I've always been a big fan of this dude's music; so I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon this undiscovered (for me) gem. Aesop owns this remix he produced for Grimace Foundation. The fact that he's cruising around SF with Cage in the back of Jeremy Fish's dope orange and black 70's van, only makes the experience that much more delightful. I know this guy is considered "indie" but his flow is right up there with anybody's. The fact that he is so slept on has always bothered me and I think he gets unfairly dismissed as a type of novelty simply because he's deep and people don't want to have to pay attention anymore. It's like people want to be spoon fed their art these days; in small easy to swallow doses. The minute a work of art crosses over this invisible line and becomes tinged with the slightest bit of conceptual content, it gets placed in the "difficult" category. The real problem traditional hip hop heads have with Aesop is the density of his lyrics. I guess the metaphors and coded language he employs in his poetry can be a little too much for the typical hip hop fan that is used to the more straight ahead, no room for interpretation, lyrical delivery; but they've got enough crap to listen to.
Anyway, turn this one up and enjoy.

Computer Love.

Check out this creepy website:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black Eyed Peas: Clear Sign Of The Coming Apocalypse.

I'm sure you've noticed that there has been a lot of talk of the world ending lately. It's everywhere; in the news, movies, and countless books. Well, forget about 2012 Mayan prophecies. Forget about bird's falling from the sky, dead fish all over the globe, Iran, North Korea, solar flares, etc. Forget about any of the current end times scenarios. You don't have to look any further than what was on most of your TV's last night. That halftime performance was one of the most evident sign of the Apocalypse I have seen to date. Seriously, watch this video objectively and then think about the fact that this is the most popular group in America and pretty much the world right now. That one fact alone could signify the demise of Western Civilization. It doesn't even seem real to me. How can it be that so many people are falling for this gag. They look like absolute morons and they're music is written to be in commercials. It would be one thing if they were actually pulling off the Daft Punk meets De La Soul kinda vibe they're going for, but they just look dumb. Their cheesy urban cyborg look doesn't even match their sound. What's so futuristic and innovative about dance pop? This is beyond lame; total corn ball entertainment. I know The Black Eyed Peas are an easy target but c'mon America. We can do better than this; can't we? We're turning into this surreal caricature of ourselves that would be fun to watch if I weren't all up in it, you know? Anyway, here's the whole End Time's Extravaganza in it's horrific entirety.

At first I was pissed at Slash letting Fergie destroy "Sweet Child O' Mine" in front of pretty much the biggest crowd possible. Then I found out that yesterday was Axl Roses' birthday. That changes everything! Nice move Slash. He got paid to punk that creep. Genius.
One of the most entertaining parts of the whole thing is watching Fergie try to figure out the best way to hump Slash's leg/guitar. Isn't she disgusting!?

Since we're on the topic, This one's a few years old but relevant. Watch this nasty chick roll around the stage in front of little kids @ 2:45. How old are they 5 or 6? Nice. She should have been arrested.

Anyway, all that got me thinking about the greatest halftime show performance in Superbowl history. It happened in 1989 during Superbowl 23. This is real. It actually happened. Prepare to be astounded.