Monday, January 31, 2011

Conjoined Twins, Abby & Brittany Hensel Turn 16

The Most Epic Nature Video Ever!

Lion vs. water buffalo vs. alligator vs. entire herd of water buffalo. This is nature at it's best and wildest. I mentioned this video at work and was shocked at how many people had never heard of it. So, if you are one of those people, prepare to be astounded. If you've already watched it, watch it again it's good for a few viewings.

Evidence "I Don't Need Love" EP

This Beatles inspired EP from Evidence is INSANE! I've been all over this for the past couple of weeks.
Download it here:
Ev's quietly become one of my favorite MC's, and he keeps getting better. Here's a couple of older stand out joints. 

Paths Are Never Straight Lines

Paths Are Never Straight Lines.The zigzag, journey uphill and down. They reach dead ends. But when we put our best foot forward, we just might venture in utopia's direction, toward a world from below, by and for all.

We gingerly find stepping-stones to more marvelous destinations. They strive to cobble together whole landscapes out of non heierarchical practices. We kick broken glass from our way. Sometimes get lost. But the precarious passage itself is our road map to a liberatory society.

We hold hands, desiring to traverse anew. When darkness ascends, we buld campfires from the embers of possibility...and see other flames in the distance.
                                                                                    -Cindy Milstein

Bosco Delrey - Evil Lives (Ad-Rock Remix)

Here's a little gift from the folks over at RCRD LBL. Bosco Delrey is a recent member of Diplo's Mad Decent crew who shows some real promise. I'm really feelin this remix by Ad-Rock of the Beastie Boys. Enjoy.

Speaking of Ad-Rock...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

More Incredible Matthew Cassel Photos From Egypt.

Egyptian Intifada - Imbaba - Images by Matthew Cassel
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Amazing Photos From Egypt Courtesy Of Matthew Cassel

Egyptian Intifada - Cairo - Images by Matthew Cassel
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Comments Are Now Enabled And Encouraged

The comment options are a little confusing on here but I figured out what was wrong and now they are open to all. Let me know wassup.

Man, watching that Too Deep video (previous post) and seeing all the homies got me feeling a little nostalgic; so this post is dedicated to MY NYC.

New Too Deep Video! "Track 01 (The Hippie Hoodlum)"

Last week I gave you the audio version now here's the video which just dropped yesterday. It's hot tamales folks! Deep is definitely doing his thing. I'm really excited about the album which will be released in March. Don't sleep on the Dude. You want that real NYC Hip Hop? Well, here you go. Queens stand up!

Here's the site. Bookmark it!

You Say You Want A Revolution?

Why do these video montages always have the worst backing track? The videos incredible nonetheless, just mute it and put on Black Flag or something.

This one gets really intense about halfway through. It reminds me of Tienanmen Square. Hopefully Egypt's protest will have a better outcome.

Here's an interesting doc. about the Tienanmen Square "Tank Man"; enjoy.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan (Live On TV In 1988)

Thanks Nick for reminding me of this gem. It couldn't possibly be any better.

Egypt Cuts Off Internet & Cellphone Service Due To Protests

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." -JFK
I want to give the situation in Egypt the time and attention it deserves and will post something on Monday (my day off!), but for now, I'll say this: It's incredible whats happening in Egypt and literally all over the world right now. People are feeling a sense of collective discontent, strength, and empowerment like I've never witnessed. Dictators, and even elected officials who act irresponsibly are being challenged and ousted from power at an astounding rate. Technology has once again proven itself to be a threat to corruption and injustice and the Egyptian government has literally shut down the internet as well as most cellphone service. (There are reports however, that some internet service is leaking out to the public due to the fact that banks and government offices need it to do business.) The people of Egypt are taking back their country and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Unfortunately, this is how freedom comes to an oppressed people, through violence and bloodshed. Negotiations, compromise, even foreign "liberators" have never delivered the same level of freedom that comes from a society that takes it for themselves by force. We are witnessing sweeping world wide revolution, people. The tide is turning but it comes with a tremendous price and it takes individuals who are willing to pay it. The sacrifice of the one for the sake of the whole is one of the most powerful acts of selfless love a human being can commit. It makes me wonder, how many of us, would be willing to stand in the path of gunfire simply for the benefit of others? Do we cherish the freedom we currently enjoy enough to pay the ultimate price to ensure it lives on. Remember these aren't armed soldiers trained for battle, these are mostly college students throwing rocks; they're utterly over matched. I'm inspired by their bravery and stamina. They encourage me deeply.
Here's an excellent article from the Wall Street Journal:
I have a college friend who is living over there at the moment and she cannot be reached. Her last Facebook status says that she is at a friends house washing the teargas out of her eyes. I hope that she's OK.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Sorry, I Just Had To.

Can I get a mathematician to help a nigga name this shape -  on Twitpic
I bet string theory physicists would have a hard time figuring out the dimensions of this badonk.
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We Know Nothing

This is a pretty good doc. on String Theory. Give it a shot. Your mind will melt a bit but that's a good thing.

Our world consists of countless mysterious layers and so far, we're still sitting on the surface of what could be an infinite number. String theory tells us that although we ultimately exist in an 11 dimensional reality, we are only able to access 3 of them. Inside of those 8 extra dimensions the possibilities of what could exist supercede our ability to perceive them. The talk of extra dimensions and possible parallel universes cause most people's eyes to roll but usually those people have limited to no understanding of what is actually happening all around them. The universe and everything found in it is pulsing with energy and life, we just can't sense it physically. There is a disconnect between our our senses and the actuality of our reality; causing us to exist in a constant haze, only able to perceive a fraction of what is happening. The fact is that we're hurtling through space on the giant rock that's somehow suspended in this limitless thing called space, and is being heated by a gigantic nuclear explosion so many miles away that no one can wrap their head around the number, and there's all these particles careening past us and at any moment one of them could collide with us and cause mass devastation and we're just one solar system in a universe filled with them and in every universe there's a black hole and inside every black hole there's another universe and it goes on and on and all that? Somehow, in the midst of all this madness, there are still those who believe that they've got it all figured out. People, we know nothing.
Animals that exhibit uncanny abilities appear to be able to tap into additional layers. For instance, take the homing pigeon, numerous tests have been conducted in an attempt to understand the bird's ability to fly back to it's nest even when all of it's senses have been cut off and it was transported in an oscillation device in the back of a pitch black truck, 500 miles away. Or how about the many stories of cat's lost states away from their homes, traveling hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles and returning home, unassisted, years later. Think about the Monarch butterfly, and how it's born with an inate "knowledge" of how to get from wherever it happens to be born, to a certain spot in Mexico. All the animals mentioned (and I could go on all day) have minuscule brains when compared to ours, a butterfly's entire head is a speck, yet they still enjoy abilities that we need machines to replicate. There is a disconnect.
Here's my point: we are all confused little mites on a flea's ass trying to make it through another day in a totally alien environment. We're confused and trying to latch on to something that helps make some kind of sense of it all. We understand so very little...and it's OK. There is a freedom in being able to say "I just don't know." There is an honest humility in accepting your current manifestation and it's limitations and moving on from there. The challenge we are faced with in this current reality is learning how to combine a healthy curiosity, a sense of intrigue, and a thirst for truth, which keeps one searching, with a humility that keeps the heart and mind fertile ground able to explore all existing paths, and then apply this to all facets of life. Every day, new discoveries challenge what was thought to be concrete knowledge just a day prior. The universe is beginning to unfold and reveal itself to us like never before. With the recent capture of dark matter, experiments are being conducted that may unlock unfathomable truths. Allow the immense question mark that is life continue to amaze you. Keep searching, leave no stone unturned. Resist dogma and anyone who tells you that they have all the answers. Constantly seek and promote truth, it is powerful and alive. Don't become apathetic towards life it truly is a beautiful journey. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride. We're just getting started.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Genius Of Mark Gonzales

Gonz is the man! He's an icon, a legend, and one of the most influential skateboarders ever. I've always been a fan of his unique genius. Here are some new videos as well as a brilliant performance piece and one of his most classic video parts. Enjoy.

Controlled Chaos Is Now Open To The Public. Let's Make Some Chaos Together!

I started writing this blog because I'm completely in awe of human beings and this world that we find ourselves in. We live in a CRAZY time and none of us has any clue as to what's going to happen next, I love that. Everyday new discoveries and revelations make the world infinity more interesting than anything our best writers could ever conjure up. I have come to a place in my life where I can now take a step back and appreciate those small, often ignored nuances. At times, I feel like a child, amazed and bewildered by things that most people seem to take for granted. I have the type of mind that is always searching, always questioning, and always looking for more knowledge and wisdom. The name Controlled Chaos was chosen because my interests are so broad and varied, I didn't want to impose limitations upon myself. The name gives me the freedom to discuss anything that happens to arouse my curiosity.
The response has been mind blowing in just a few weeks I've received almost 1,700 page views from 12 countries! I'm flattered and excited about the possibilities. I envision Controlled Chaos becoming something much bigger in the near future. I plan on the blog eventually becoming a .com with multiple contributors adding their unique perspectives to the site, a podcast, and an open forum where people can come to share there music, artwork, writing, ideas etc. I've installed a Facebook "Like" button and the FB page link on the right hand side of this page. I'm hoping to use the FB page as an extension of the blog,; a place where we can come together and share. Share anything, the more random and varied the better. I want your opinions, suggestions, videos, art, words, insights, secrets...whatever. Let's make some chaos together.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flavor Flav Attempts To Single Handedly Push The Advancement Of Black People Back 200 Years.

Yo! Wasn't This Dude In Public Enemy?

More Than Human.

The great Jewish rabbi/philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel once wrote, "Modern man's greatest fault, is his total self-reliance. It is his nineteenth century delusion that he has progressed far beyond his ancestors. This conceit derives from egotism. There is but one remedy for him: despair. It is only when he finds himself in the deepest extremity that he understands his true condition; then, and only then, does he realize that his self-reliance is a delusion. In such a crisis, hopelessness forces man to contrition. Kierkegaard called this the "existential moment", for at that moment man recognizes his helplessness, his dependency. At his existential moment, man is alone. Afraid to examine his ego, he escapes into society. Kierkegaard totally rejects this "solution", as "social religion",and stresses individual search and commitment instead."
How often do we stop and truly examine ourselves? How often do we seek quiet solitude, and travel deep within our very being, honestly questioning our motives, patterns, intentions, and thought processes? Why is it so incredibly difficult to peel back that thick layer of ego that permeates everything and expose the inner self? Why does it take arriving at that "existential moment" for most of us to come to a place where we are able to even begin to make clear assessments?
We are becoming a people uncomfortable with silence, unable to gaze intently into the proverbial mirror. We are losing the ability to confront our truest nature and then draw pure conclusions based on what we observe. We are all becoming helpless converts, turning to "social religion" which offers limitless distractions. Personal relationships, social groups, entertainment, work, etc. all serve as buffers, shielding us from the actuality of who we are. They keep us busy, enabling us to never have to fully face ourselves.
At the same time, all that we do, think, and say is filtered through he ego. Literally every waking moment of an individual's life is powerfully influenced and directed by their ego, it drives us. Have you ever done something nice for someone and they didn't appreciate it? I can't stand when that happens but even though my motive may have appeared to have been pure, my expectation of gratitude just for doing something nice was completely ego based. Ego distorts to such a degree that it can completely blind an individual if left unchecked.
Here we find one of the greatest dilemmas/pursuits of the entire human experience: to become something altogether different, a new person. How can one transcend these flaws and limitations and begin to approach life from a pure, unadulterated perspective? By taking the time to just stop. Stop everything, find that place of solitude and dig. Dig down deep, through all the layers you've constructed that separate you from yourself. Discard your image and face yourself boldly, examine your flaws as well as your strong points. Begin to have a persistent inner dialogue. Begin to recognize and dismantle the ego at every opportunity. Get to know who you really are. Since so few are willing to embark on such a journey, just starting down the path of total self-awareness is all it takes to become more than human.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aboriginal Heavy Metal Gangs!

Gangs of heavy metal loving aboriginals have dance offs to establish their dominance! There really are few words available to describe this doc. it has to be seen to be believed. So watch it!

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I Wish It Were That Easy

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Too Deep: The Hippie Hoodlum - 16 Wasabi

Here's a quick 16 bars off the top from my man Too Deep. His debut album drops in March. Queens Stand Up! Check his site for details

Are You Ready For The Next Stone Age?

We live in a moment when everything is questionable. Every motive, promise, and institution of power now begs for scrutiny and only fools ignore the pleas. Trust, an integral component of the human experience, is being irreparably dissolved and now approaches mythical status. Government, military, police, religion, banks, Wall St., the medical profession, food production, the Earth, each other, can we still turn to any of these once trusted facets of society in times of peril? In our ever expanding pursuit for safety and security, we have become more disconnected from each other. Are we fooling ourselves with this obsession with stability, creating a society that's in constant suspicion and paranoia? The denial of our connectedness as a species or of a collective cosmic consciousness is being systematically removed from the cultural mindset. At the same time, there is a definite shrinkage of sensation, of sensory experience, a mass desensitization. Have we unknowingly steered the course of human evolution down a more primitive path? One of violent, aggressive, self preservation at any cost? Have we, in our misguided attempt to expedite our natural development actually destined it to come full circle. Are we now in the infancy of our devolution, a reversion back to when all that mattered was the protection of the tribe? Is it too late to embrace millenniums worth of ancient wisdom and communal perception? Are you ready for the next Stone Age?
*If you haven't read Cormic McCarty's The Road or watched the excellent film based on the book please do so. Here's the trailer for the movie.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

San Francisco Skies.

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Are You Insane Lady? Or Do You Just Hate Your Kid?

There's Just Us.

Have you ever wondered how you became you? No really? I know it's seems like a ridiculous question but bear with me for a moment.
I'm sitting in a coffee shop right now writing on a computer that has the dimensions and weight of a medium sized book. I'm streaming music while checking my e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter accounts which are all being delivered to me instantly and invisibly, through the ether, by a satellite in space. In my pocket is an even smaller computer, about the size of a pack of cigarettes. This one gives me the ability to talk to people all over the planet, take pictures in California and send them to my Mom in Florida with the push of a button, translate languages, knows my exact location, and can direct me to wherever I want to go. I'm drinking a cup of coffee that was imported from Kenya, which I paid for with a piece of plastic that instantly deducted the cost from my bank account that contains more money than most people in this world will make this year, maybe for a few years, and believe me when I tell you, by American standards, I am really, really poor. I'm surrounded by a dozen or so people doing exactly what I am doing and not one of us is concerned in the slightest with when or how our next meal will arrive. Even the homeless guy who is panhandling outside has numerous options for obtaining food daily.
Somehow, while all this is going on over here, just a plane ride away, an altogether different reality exists. Most of Africa hasn't changed that much in thousands of years. Millions of people are still dealing with life on a much more primal level. Something as seemingly trivial to us as the weather, completely dictates the course of their lives. If famine, drought or too much rain occur there simply just is no food. There are numerous regions all over the continent where the scarcity of water is so intense, that there are actual wars being fought for the right to control water sources, think about how many times you flushed the toilet today alone.
How did this happen? How am I me and not you? Maybe I'm oversimplifying things but the fact that my consciousness, because when you boil it down, that's the truest essence of who we are, come to rest in this body, at this time, in this place? Was it just some cosmic accident, a complete roll of the dice, if you will? Is there a plan of some sort, one that's purpose just hasn't been revealed yet? I truly have no answers. The one thing I am sure of is this, there really is no "I", "we", or "them", there is just us. The belief that what happens "over there" doesn't effect us "over here" is the thought of an immature, crippled mind. What is happening over there IS happening here, it's just over there geographically. Falling into the traps of irrational nationalism, indifference, and self obsession do nothing but destroy the soul. When a person's mind is diseased by these thoughts, they can then subconsciously asses the value of an individual's life and act accordingly. The majority of the problems the human race faces today, are directly linked to the fact that we are still hanging on to the archaic notion that "our" team is better than "theirs" and somehow more deserving of a better quality of life.
Think about this, the development of most of the world technologically, socially, culturally, and individually has suffered great set backs and has literally been redirected so that we can enjoy the lives that we constantly complain about. I know this sounds like some hippie utopia nonsense and maybe it is. The difficulties in pulling yourself away from the prevailing mindset are ever present and real. It's hard to transcend the limitations imposed by our society, to become a healthy, fully formed, independent thinker, but the rewards of pursuing these ideals are immediate and I believe, eternal.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tupac Biggie Murder Cases Almost Solved, Almost.

13 years, no new leads and all anybody can come up with is that the LAPD and Suge Knight MIGHT have been involved! What's next, OJ Might have done it?

Your Whole Style Is Whack

OK I see what you're trying to do. Either you're attempting to make the tired connection between the US being a supposed Christian nation and it's involvement in countless atrocities all over the world. Or maybe you just hate Jesus and want to let the us all know, which is kind of ridiculous if you ask me. First of all, I'm pretty sure you've never met the guy but if you did he seems to have been the really mellow peace, love, and happiness type. Torture somehow just doesn't seem to line up with what I've read. You probably mean his followers, which could be (and in some cases definitely is) true, but JESUS' FOLLOWERS HATE TORTURE just doesn't deliver the impact you were going for. Actually my guess is neither of those is the case, you're probably just some 19 year old "street art" fan who just watched Exit Through The Gift Shop on Netflix and decided that this is your moment to get some fame so you put three inflammatory "buzz" words together in a feeble attempt to shock the old Chinese ladies in The Richmond. You're so revolutionary! I bet you put on your little all black graffiti outfit and crept out at 3am with two lookouts. You felt so gangsta with your stickers didn't you? A real vandal, am I right?
I've got news for you son, you're whack! Believe me kid it's not for you. Your taking up prime space on that newspaper box. Take that lazy garbage somewhere else. Go start a blog or something. Go read about Abbey Hoffman or The Weather Underground. There's probably lots of cool quotes you can rip off and put on your Facebook page. Just stop it! This is San Francisco you gotta come harder than that.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Too Deep: The Hippie Hoodlum

Comin to you from Queens NY it's my man Too Deep: The Hippie Hoodlum with the first track off his upcoming, self produced debut album. The track is fire and Deep is the Dude so support him and that classic, no gimmick NYC Hip Hop.
Too Deep - The Hippie Hoodlum Track 01 by TooDeepMusic

Packers Bears

This is pretty much how it's gonna go down when the Packers and Bears play for the AFC title and the Superbowl this weekend.

Joey Ramone - Rockaway Beach, Queens NY

MY favorite photo of one of MY favorite people from one of MY favorite bands. Since it's all about ME right now...let's hear some Ramones. 1-2-3-4!