Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are You Ready For The Next Stone Age?

We live in a moment when everything is questionable. Every motive, promise, and institution of power now begs for scrutiny and only fools ignore the pleas. Trust, an integral component of the human experience, is being irreparably dissolved and now approaches mythical status. Government, military, police, religion, banks, Wall St., the medical profession, food production, the Earth, each other, can we still turn to any of these once trusted facets of society in times of peril? In our ever expanding pursuit for safety and security, we have become more disconnected from each other. Are we fooling ourselves with this obsession with stability, creating a society that's in constant suspicion and paranoia? The denial of our connectedness as a species or of a collective cosmic consciousness is being systematically removed from the cultural mindset. At the same time, there is a definite shrinkage of sensation, of sensory experience, a mass desensitization. Have we unknowingly steered the course of human evolution down a more primitive path? One of violent, aggressive, self preservation at any cost? Have we, in our misguided attempt to expedite our natural development actually destined it to come full circle. Are we now in the infancy of our devolution, a reversion back to when all that mattered was the protection of the tribe? Is it too late to embrace millenniums worth of ancient wisdom and communal perception? Are you ready for the next Stone Age?
*If you haven't read Cormic McCarty's The Road or watched the excellent film based on the book please do so. Here's the trailer for the movie.

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