Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egypt Cuts Off Internet & Cellphone Service Due To Protests

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." -JFK
I want to give the situation in Egypt the time and attention it deserves and will post something on Monday (my day off!), but for now, I'll say this: It's incredible whats happening in Egypt and literally all over the world right now. People are feeling a sense of collective discontent, strength, and empowerment like I've never witnessed. Dictators, and even elected officials who act irresponsibly are being challenged and ousted from power at an astounding rate. Technology has once again proven itself to be a threat to corruption and injustice and the Egyptian government has literally shut down the internet as well as most cellphone service. (There are reports however, that some internet service is leaking out to the public due to the fact that banks and government offices need it to do business.) The people of Egypt are taking back their country and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Unfortunately, this is how freedom comes to an oppressed people, through violence and bloodshed. Negotiations, compromise, even foreign "liberators" have never delivered the same level of freedom that comes from a society that takes it for themselves by force. We are witnessing sweeping world wide revolution, people. The tide is turning but it comes with a tremendous price and it takes individuals who are willing to pay it. The sacrifice of the one for the sake of the whole is one of the most powerful acts of selfless love a human being can commit. It makes me wonder, how many of us, would be willing to stand in the path of gunfire simply for the benefit of others? Do we cherish the freedom we currently enjoy enough to pay the ultimate price to ensure it lives on. Remember these aren't armed soldiers trained for battle, these are mostly college students throwing rocks; they're utterly over matched. I'm inspired by their bravery and stamina. They encourage me deeply.
Here's an excellent article from the Wall Street Journal:
I have a college friend who is living over there at the moment and she cannot be reached. Her last Facebook status says that she is at a friends house washing the teargas out of her eyes. I hope that she's OK.

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