Friday, January 28, 2011

We Know Nothing

This is a pretty good doc. on String Theory. Give it a shot. Your mind will melt a bit but that's a good thing.

Our world consists of countless mysterious layers and so far, we're still sitting on the surface of what could be an infinite number. String theory tells us that although we ultimately exist in an 11 dimensional reality, we are only able to access 3 of them. Inside of those 8 extra dimensions the possibilities of what could exist supercede our ability to perceive them. The talk of extra dimensions and possible parallel universes cause most people's eyes to roll but usually those people have limited to no understanding of what is actually happening all around them. The universe and everything found in it is pulsing with energy and life, we just can't sense it physically. There is a disconnect between our our senses and the actuality of our reality; causing us to exist in a constant haze, only able to perceive a fraction of what is happening. The fact is that we're hurtling through space on the giant rock that's somehow suspended in this limitless thing called space, and is being heated by a gigantic nuclear explosion so many miles away that no one can wrap their head around the number, and there's all these particles careening past us and at any moment one of them could collide with us and cause mass devastation and we're just one solar system in a universe filled with them and in every universe there's a black hole and inside every black hole there's another universe and it goes on and on and all that? Somehow, in the midst of all this madness, there are still those who believe that they've got it all figured out. People, we know nothing.
Animals that exhibit uncanny abilities appear to be able to tap into additional layers. For instance, take the homing pigeon, numerous tests have been conducted in an attempt to understand the bird's ability to fly back to it's nest even when all of it's senses have been cut off and it was transported in an oscillation device in the back of a pitch black truck, 500 miles away. Or how about the many stories of cat's lost states away from their homes, traveling hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles and returning home, unassisted, years later. Think about the Monarch butterfly, and how it's born with an inate "knowledge" of how to get from wherever it happens to be born, to a certain spot in Mexico. All the animals mentioned (and I could go on all day) have minuscule brains when compared to ours, a butterfly's entire head is a speck, yet they still enjoy abilities that we need machines to replicate. There is a disconnect.
Here's my point: we are all confused little mites on a flea's ass trying to make it through another day in a totally alien environment. We're confused and trying to latch on to something that helps make some kind of sense of it all. We understand so very little...and it's OK. There is a freedom in being able to say "I just don't know." There is an honest humility in accepting your current manifestation and it's limitations and moving on from there. The challenge we are faced with in this current reality is learning how to combine a healthy curiosity, a sense of intrigue, and a thirst for truth, which keeps one searching, with a humility that keeps the heart and mind fertile ground able to explore all existing paths, and then apply this to all facets of life. Every day, new discoveries challenge what was thought to be concrete knowledge just a day prior. The universe is beginning to unfold and reveal itself to us like never before. With the recent capture of dark matter, experiments are being conducted that may unlock unfathomable truths. Allow the immense question mark that is life continue to amaze you. Keep searching, leave no stone unturned. Resist dogma and anyone who tells you that they have all the answers. Constantly seek and promote truth, it is powerful and alive. Don't become apathetic towards life it truly is a beautiful journey. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride. We're just getting started.
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