Friday, February 11, 2011

The Revolution Lives! Just Embrace It.

Wow! People are so quick to give things a negative twist! A nation of people who haven't tasted freedom in 29 years, are joyously celebrating the endless opportunities it brings; and all I'm hearing from a bunch of people who have never known anything but freedom, is that the Egyptian Revolution is a bad thing. How the Islamic Brotherhood and al Qaeda are going to take control of the country, igniting more hate, and that we're much more at risk today than we were yesterday...Whoa! Hold up! How dare you? Can't we just give the people a chance to show us what they will do with THEIR lives and THEIR country. Let them have their dignity and afford them the ability to make their own decisions before you just label this thing a threat. A 29 year regime has just been toppled simply because the people demanded it. That's incredible! Stop and celebrate that. Our do you not rejoice with them? We've been fed so much propaganda that we approach every Muslim nation now, as a threat, a definitive enemy, no matter what. That only fuels and stokes the fire of contention that does exist between The West and the element of the religion that has proven itself to actually be an enemy. There are between 1.2-1.6 billion Muslims in the world right now; somewhere around 8 million of them live here in the US. We better learn to get along. It's so hard for us to step outside those walls we erect around ourselves and realize that these are PEOPLE, at the core, ideologies aside, no different than you or I, just trying to make it through their version of this crazy journey. Feel for them. Many of them were born under this regime, they never imagined this day was possible. And here it is; and instead of joining hands in solidarity as HUMAN BEINGS just for a second and celebrating with them, a huge percentage of our country is looking at this triumphant moment as a "immediate threat to national security". Try to forget just for a moment all you've been told about Islam. Try to forget about "The War On Terror", Osama Bin Laden, Al Queda, Iraq, Afghanistan, the rhetoric, and propaganda, all that crap for just a minute. Forget about religious conflict and cultural differences and try to boil down the situation in your mind, down to the very essence of the revolt. It was about a nation of individuals deciding that they had endured enough, and coming together to demand change. That's it. No matter the outcome, and they're far from a total resolution over there, the Human Spirit cried out in Egypt for more than two weeks and toady it's pleas were met. That is something to feel good about. Are we that calloused and self centered? I hope not. Ask yourself this simple question, "Do all people, everywhere deserve the same type of freedom we enjoy over here?". I think it's safe to say that almost everybody would answer "Yes". Here's the problem with freedom though, it doesn't look like any one thing. If it's pure, at some point will offend you. You will inevitably disagree, probably even hate elements of it, but in a strange way, that's the whole point. If everyone's doing the same thing, how is anyone really free? It seems really simple but obviously it's the biggest problem we humans collectively face. For some odd reason, we can't just seem to be able to accept each others peculiarities and move on from there. I think we're getting closer though. Well, it's either that or our peculiarities are slowly disappearing. Either way, it really is miraculous that approximately 6,899,200,000 people can get along as well as we do. Obviously there is much turmoil today, but I think when you consider just how many of us there really are, I think we're doing OK, a C- maybe.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's time for us as a people to evolve past that archaic notion that somehow our way of life is better than anyone else's. That's such an immature way to look at life. It's done us no good for thousands of years but for some reason we just can't seem to let it go.
I for one, stand in solidarity with the people of Egypt today. Internally, I'm celebrating. And even if this thing does eventually take a turn for the worse and an evil element takes a hold of Egypt again. That will not take away from the fact that today freedom won, not just in Egypt but in the hearts of everyone that still believes in it.

The Revolution was seen on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and thousands of other places, but it still wasn't televised.

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