Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Singularity by 2020?

If you watched those two videos, realize that was not just some ridiculous sci-fi crazy talk, folks. This is happening right now. Scientists are working day and night to make sure that everything you just heard becomes reality. We are entering a extremely strange and possibly dangerous era. The age of singularity is just about ready. It's coming. There is no disputing that fact anymore. The question now becomes how will we incorporate robots into our already fragile society? If you think you wont see that in your lifetime, you're wrong. If you're 50 years old or younger, you will have a conversation with a robot at some point during your lifetime. How do you feel about that? What is our obsession/fascination with creating an entity that could ultimately challenge our role as the dominant species on the planet? Are we drunk on technology? Does our thirst for the "next great invention" far exceed our need for it? What are we doing? Does anybody really know?

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