Thursday, March 3, 2011

We All Know Charlie Sheen But Who Is Carlos Irwin Estevez?

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What exactly is our bizarre relationship/obsession with celebrity disaster scenes? It's such a fascinating flaw to observe. I mean, I guess "Two And A Half Men" was a really popular show (I never saw it), but I don't recall hearing anybody talking about Charlie Sheen a month ago. Sure, he's been a periodically steady (if that makes any sense) fixture in the dirt rags for decades; but his outbursts had become cliche and kind of like background noise. Until, he decided to kick it up a notch and start this blitzkrieg of manic/creepy/hilarious/sad/genius/suspect, performance/rant interviews. The dude even took it to Twitter and since March 1st has 1,375,122 followers! Never before has insanity mixed with drug and sexual addiction completely skyrocketed a career into the stratosphere like this. He's got to have a really good manager and publicist because they just keep rolling with it, booking more appearances. He's been literally everywhere for the past week. The guys completely unraveling before our eyes and he just keeps getting bigger. Why, besides the undeniable comedic element, is this guy's spiral so enthralling? I mean think about it, I could go down to the Tenderloin District here in San Francisco right now and for $20 get a crack head to start spitting out some one liners that would defy all standards of normalcy and make Charlie Sheen's delusional ramblings suddenly seem rather boring and dull. The thing is, nobody would care. I walk past Charlie Sheens everyday, except they're usually shaking a coffee cup at me, and asking for change. I'm sure nobody's following them around, hanging on their every word, waiting for that next catch phrase, or crazy punch line. When it's a celebrity though, when it's the dude that was in Platoon, and Wall Street, and Major League, we can't get enough. It's like this is supposed to happen. We've been raised watching celebrities loose their minds; and now it's as if this is just the natural progression of celebrity. We've been conditioned to expect this type of behavior.
Why do we even know who Carlos Irwin Estevez is anyway? That's Charlie's real name. That's who he was before he got hugely famous for being good at pretending to be other people and getting paid ridiculous amounts of money to do it. Think about that. Our culture has chosen ACTORS, professional make believers, to place on the highest pedestal! That's crazy to me. We feed these peoples ego's to a point that no human mind can normally operate, and then we revel in their descent into madness and then obscurity. We don't even know who this man really is. We're a vicious bunch.
So here we have this rich, drug addict, living with his two baby boys, and two porn stars, showing ALL the signs of extreme cocaine educed psychosis, and for the moment anyway, and that's all it will be, he is the most popular man in America. You know what though, it makes sense. Right now, in a sense, Charlie Seen is America and maybe we're all just a little jealous.

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