Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SUPER MOON! COMIN TO YA LIVE IN SUPER HD, MARCH 19th 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On 3/19/2011 the moon will 221,567 miles away, the closest its been to Earth in 19 years. Some scientists believe it will cause major chaos all over the globe and blame it for the Japanese earthquakes, others say no way. I don't know, check this stuff out and decide for yourself.

All of these came out before the March 11 quake
 This ones crazy it even predicts the latest financial disaster.
I could list a bunch more, there are a lot, and fairly, there are just as many opposite opinions as well. but there seems to be a pattern here, thats all I'm saying. How many coincidences have to occur before the situation is taken seriously? As technology develops it enables us to challenge beliefs that were once rock solid, and things are definitely pointing toward the moon having much more of an impact on what happens on earth than anyone ever imagined.
Anyway, this lunar cycle is going to last until the 21st, with the peak the 19th, so don't be shocked in something else were to occur. Obviously I hope that we've seen the worst but those aftershocks are still happening  and there was just a 4.3-4.7 in Ottawa minutes ago. I dunno.
All we can do is live our lives but we can't become complacent, things are obviously crazy right now, but this is nothing new. The earth was formed this way. We admire the majesty of mountain ranges but kind of ignore the violence that created them. Science suggests his planet may have gone through several cataclysmic events, that eradicated practically everything on the planet. We are all just along for the ride. The planet does not care about what our plans are, it doesn't cooperate with us. Remembering that, and really grasping the fact that something like a giant meteor smashing into the planet can, and has happened, many times. Dinosaurs?
Anyway, somehow keeping the fact that life is so fragile in the forefront of my mind (it's hard), helps me to cherish it that much more. We're just hoping we'll see the next hour, right? Imagine if somehow we could all live like that, like it really is, like everything could end in a flash. How grateful would we be? How much more pure would or motives be? Our priorities. what would relationships look like? Man...theres a goal.

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